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Diversity promotes positive change. It strengthens connections, opens up new talent, skills and perspectives that benefit all of us; especially our clients and the communities that we serve.

Duncan Green, Managing Partner


Creating a sense of belonging sits at the heart of everything we do

Inclusivity and representation matters. We need to represent our diverse local communities; not only to meet the needs of every individual within those communities, but also to advocate for change and inspire the next generation of STEM ambassadors.

But there’s a challenge: it is our responsibility to acknowledge the problems the construction industry has with diversity. We are facing this challenge head on with a practical and ambitious strategy to inspire, attract, nurture and educate. Our team is dedicated to encouraging a work culture where difference is valued; where everyone feels welcome and comfortable to be themselves. Today we are proud to operate a genuine meritocracy; with full equity and opportunity for all employees throughout their career. Our industry has a long way to go, but we are committed to leading by example.

What we are doing

Are we being inclusive? This is the first question we always ask ourselves and we see this honest critique of our practice decisions and policies reaping immediate benefits for our employees.

Advancing diversity poses the greater challenge and we are tackling this in the short and long term through our 13 point plan by; adopting an agile approach to recruitment; investing in our future leaders; educating our people on creating a dignified work environment for all; continuously reviewing and improving our maternity and paternity offers and flexible working practices. We are very careful to support our colleagues’ mental health and wellbeing and their opportunities for personal growth.

We love to get involved in national awareness campaigns that celebrate diversity; Pride, International Women’s Day and Black History Month to name a few. Within our industry we seek out diversity initiatives and awards to sponsor and champion. We are always learning, listening and evolving our practices and we welcome you to join us on this journey.