New build integrated medical centre to provide improved access to physical, mental and social care within a single location
Tilbury Integrated Medical Centre
This project will deliver an integrated medical facility accommodating GP surgeries, acute outpatient services, mental health services, community clinics, local authority services and a public library in Tilbury town centre.
The proposed new Integrated Medical Centre in Tilbury will significantly improve the range and quality of health and care services available, and assist in the regeneration of Tilbury Civic Square. It will bring modern social care, community health, hospital and GP services together under one roof, much closer to the communities of Tilbury and Chadwell.
Cllr James Halden
Our approach
Our team has collaborated with Thurrock Council, Thurrock Clinical Commissioning Group and various NHS partners to deliver the 33,000 ft2 new build, which will provide the people of Tilbury with improved access to physical, mental and social care in a single location.
Designs need to create a new community presence in the heart of the town’s urban fabric, acting as a catalyst for future improvements to the wider town centre.
With multiple functions being housed in one space, providing clearly defined areas to ensure clarity for users, as well as providing sufficient security, was a key design driver.
Our team needed to engage multiple stakeholders to achieve the optimal layout and allocation of spaces within the facility, made more challenging due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Design principles were driven by the community accommodation located at ground level, providing physical and visual links to external spaces. The first floor, dedicated to clinical functions, overlooks community areas and the external landscaped square while the second floor is allocated for staff and administrative services to provide a clear line of security. These principles provide clear definition of public, clinical and staff zones. The design team has prioritised accessibility and clear way finding strategies.
Our stakeholder engagement approach was built into the programme, which ensured milestones were achieved at appropriate timescales with effective engagement at regular meetings through all design stages. From the outset, the client team was made aware of what to expect from the building process and the design team, as well as what would be expected from them. Design proposals were simple and clear, supported by visual imagery. We held workshops with specific stakeholders, such the library end-users, to ensure all parties had a voice.
Key info
Thurrock Council
In progress
Architecture, Building services engineering, Civil engineering, Interior design, Structural engineering, Sustainability and energy
Cost and commercial management, Health and safety services, Project and programme management