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Remediation of a brownfield site, transforming it into a woodland park

Cuningar Loop

The Forestry Commission Scotland needed to remediate a 14Ha brownfield site which has been derelict for over 50 years, transforming it into a woodland park. The project was to include a full road and path network and recreational facilities including a children's play area, outdoor gym, cycle pump track and the first bouldering facility in Scotland.

We delivered the project from feasibility through to design, construction and commissioning. We were successfully able to transform the brownfield site into a multi-purpose, accessible community amenity, providing residents with usable greenspace. The success of this project was recognised when it won a Saltire Award for Best Community Focused Project in Scotland.

Geo-environmental site investigations incorporating trial pitting and boreholes identified potential human health risks with soils on the site. Any remediation solution identified needed to be cost effective and sustainable.

Quality of soil was another key requirement. This needed to be validated to ensure Forestry Commission Scotland’s requirements were being met.

To address contaminated soil, environmental capping and barrier planting were identified as the most suitable remedial approach. To provide a suitable environmental capping layer and material that met the tree growth specification, the manufacture/enhancement of imported waste soils was identified as the most cost effective and sustainable solution for meeting the development objectives.

We provided technical review of soil quality data and identified requirements for improving soils with respect to physical quality and nutrient levels. As part of this process, we carried out on-site validation of the soil improvement works including visual screening, confirmation of depth profiles and laboratory validation.

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Forestry Commission Scotland




Civil engineering, Environmental engineering, Structural engineering


Project and Programme Management


Sport and leisure



All projects
Keith Prendergast
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