A competition to improve the quality of urban outdoors and challenges modes of urbanisation.
Stitching the Urban Oasis
The ‘Lost Sites Design Competition’ by Streetlife and Landezine, asked for multi-disciplinary teams lead by landscape architects, to identify a site which has been lost due to social changes, increased car dependence, inappropriate design, or neglect. It asked for multidisciplinary solutions to ‘improve the quality of urban outdoors and challenges modes of urbanisation.’
Our approach
Our proposal supports Leicester’s key policies and strategies, emphasising strong community and connectivity through planning for people, not cars and reducing crime and vandalism by better overlooking of green spaces. Our chosen site sits close to the city centre, spanning the ring road, with underpass and existing park targeted by anti-social behaviour and crime. We foresee this as a pioneer scheme, where similar projects could be implemented across the city.
Our vision is to reveal Leicester’s past, present and future through performances, exhibitions, and workshops, promoting arts and culture and boosting local enterprises. We aim to stitch the city together through pedestrian and cycle links, creating multifunctional, sociable, diverse spaces and fostering a sense of community.
The interweaving of different users across the site is represented through paving bands, stitching the site together and back to the city. The massing of the building enhances connection and views across the site, creating vibrant, characterful spaces with community at its heart. Arriving from the city centre, the building frames the view of St Margaret’s Church, while giving glimpses into the public realm beyond. The paving bands draw you through the site, and shops along this frontage spill out to animate this space.
The community park provides a dynamic space inviting connection, support, and togetherness. Community allotments help people develop practical skills and a sense of ownership. ‘Community Capsules’ provide sheltered spaces for social and activity groups and events. Workshop and performance space enables the community to build skills, create, and perform together, helping to showcase Leicester’s cultural diversity.
We envision the site as a string of interlinked spaces, stitched together into the city fabric with social values at their heart. The result is a localised community oasis for people and nature to thrive. Environmental processes work together to provide the energy and water requirements for the building, manage the effects of climate change such as overheating and flooding and enhance biodiversity through planting and providing habitats.
An amphitheatre is created, stepping down to the underground museum below; and together with the building massing provides an adaptive, secluded, courtyard-like space, to be used for gathering and performances.
The proposal is a beacon for activity throughout the day and night. As the day turns to dusk, the site becomes animated with glowing exhibits, illuminated with movement-triggered lighting and custom lighting effects for performances. The site is a vibrant landmark for the city, exhibiting the culture, diversity and endurance of its communities.
Key info
Streetlife and Landezine
Landscape Architecture