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Key takeaways from The Workplace Event

27 Apr 2023

Smiling woman in dark business attire

Diana Hawkins

Business Development Manager (Central Region)

During 25-27th April Pick Everard attended The Workplace Event at NEC Birmingham. The event focused on providing valuable insights and key trends from thought leaders whilst connecting to likeminded industry professionals. The vast exhibitor list provided access to all the latest product and services to help elevate workplace strategies and performance.

Key themes included diversity, future proofing workplaces, providing fun areas for staff, hybrid buildings, net zero and smart building solutions.

Quality data is crucial to understanding your building and preparing for the future.

We attended several talks throughout the three days. One of the key themes was Sustainability with specific focus on Net Zero and Wellbeing in the workplace. The key takeaways for achieving Net Zero within an existing building was the use of BMS and smart building data, which can support in achieving company Net Zero targets.

Net Zero can be a challenge in listed or historic buildings, many of which need retrofitting. Building design is moving away from the historic, worst case scenario design to the newer, data-led, and evidence-based designs. There must first be an understanding of occupancy levels, patterns of work and heating/cooling needs to calculate operational energy (temperatures and heat load) and then make a real difference.

It was revealed that cost of BMS systems and smart building solutions is becoming more affordable for clients therefore are more forthcoming to changes.

New ways of working may not be as sustainable as we think.

Another interesting point raised, was that making a video call could higher carbon footprint than having a face-to-face meeting, depending on the travel requirements of the team. For instance, if the participants of the face-to-face meeting are located close to each other and can walk or cycle to the meeting, the carbon footprint of the meeting could be relatively low, removing carbon created from power consumption and reducing personal team costs in the face of rising electricity bills.

This really makes us think, what will be the future?

Estate Optimisation

We’re currently working with many FM providers and clients to assist them with putting together an estates rationalisation strategy and this event has given us innovative ideas of how we can provide further support.

We’re looking forward to catching up with many new contacts and connections we have made during the three days.

If we didn’t get a chance to meet, please contact our Business Development Manager Diana Hawkins who would be delighted to grab a coffee with you.

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