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Being Pick Everard

James Hymers, Associate Health & Safety Consultant

17 Sept 2021

James Hymers

James Hymers

National Discipline Director

What attracted you to the industry and what do you enjoy about it?

I’m an Engineer at heart and love making and fixing things, problem solving is my happy space! I also appreciate the effort that goes into designing structures, the places we live and work, and resolving potential future issues to ensure the structures can stand the test of time.

Its humbling to think I may one day visit my project with my grandchildren and with that comes a sense of pride.

What were your early career experiences?

Mostly hands on, running manufacturing machines, on site during construction or running projects. Nothing replaces getting your hands dirty for experience and to see challenges face to face.

What key skills would you identify for a career in Construction Health & Safety?

There are many different specialisms you can embark on in H&S, here there are several distinct roles to highlight:

  • Supporting the duties of the principal designer, this is a technically focused role and requires knowledge of design and construction.
  • Client CDM Adviser, this requires more knowledge of construction stage and construction site risks.
  • Client H&S Management, entailing H&S leadership across a programme of works with skills needed in, data review, H&S leadership and technical H&S knowledge.

What’s your vision in the next five years for growth within your team?

With an aspiring business plan to grow our team and turnover, including increasing our service offering, we want to be the marked leaders in H&S recognised for our technical excellence.

What project have you found most challenging and rewarding during your career with Pick Everard?

Working for the Health sector is at times the most challenging, tight deadlines, high standards and multiple stakeholders. However, it is worth it when patients are able to enjoy their surroundings during a time of need.

What inspires you most in your role?

The opportunity to advance H&S in the industry, to make lives better through design and improve peoples working lives both in construction, maintenance and use.