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Environmental services

It goes without saying that every building site has its own history and constraints. We are thorough in our research to support our clients in finding a productive use for their site and an understanding of how to manage it.

Our core environmental services are geo-environmental and flood risk. Our team advises a broad range of clients including; private developers, local authorities, regulators, utilities companies, estate managers, planning consultants, and legal advisers. We operate nationally and can advise on matters within all devolved nations against their relevant guidelines.

We undertake site investigations in compliance with CDM 2015 and we provide specialist advice on contaminated land and groundwater, including remediation and geotechnical engineering and design.

Our flood risk assessments encompass all flood zones including; hydraulic modelling, surface water management, sewerage and sewage treatment, water treatment and distribution and flood risk assessment.

Our environmental services team includes qualified Chartered Environmentalists (CEnv) Chartered Geologists (CGeol), specialists in Land Condition (SiLC) and Registered Ground Engineering Professionals (RoGEP).

Emelye Kenyon

Emelye Kenyon


Whether your development be big or small, our team can provide comprehensive site investigation services managed by our highly skilled team of engineers. Brownfield development, in particular requires detailed and bespoke site investigation to assess risks from potential contamination and geotechnical constraints. Our team is passionate about providing our clients with quality investigations that meet their planning and design requirements whilst operating under the requirements of CDM regulations.

Services include:

  • Phase 1 desk studies
  • Site investigation scoping and specification
  • Trial pitting
  • Boreholes
  • Soakaway testing
  • Plate Load / CBR / Lightweight Deflectometer testing
  • Soil and rock logging
  • Chemical and geotechnical sampling and testing
  • Waste sampling testing and assessment
  • Interpretative reporting, including Eurocode reporting
Flooding surrounded by flood sign

We undertake Flood Risk Assessments (FRAs) to assist with meeting planning requirements, EA guidance and BREEAM and our site-specific flood risks from all sources of flooding, including:

  • Fluvial (main river and ordinary watercourses)
  • Tidal
  • Pluvial (Surface water)
  • Groundwater
  • Artificial drainage (reservoirs, sewers and canals)

We assess the risks posed by various forms of flooding and vulnerability of your development. We establish the receptors and establish risks posed to your site and posed by your site proposing potential mitigation measures and considering residual risks to ensure the development is safe from flooding, and does not cause flooding further downstream.

Our team can undertake detailed assessment for sites within in flood zones 1, 2 and 3 including bespoke hydraulic watercourse modelling.

Our team includes Chartered scientists and environmentalists, SoBRA risk assessors, and Specialists in Land Condition (SiLC) accredited practitioners who are able to provide a wide range of geo-environmental consultancy services. We work closely with our site investigation team and the wider design teams to provide a streamlined approach to contamination risk assessment. We provide assessment for both the planning process and Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. We will undertake regulatory consultation with local authorities and the Environment Agency to assist our clients in achieving their designs.

Our services include:

  • Generic and detailed quantitative human health risk assessments
  • Asbestos in soils risk assessment
  • Generic and detailed quantitative controlled waters risk assessment
  • Derivation of assessment criteria
  • Landfill and ground gas risk assessment
  • Piling risk assessment
  • Waste classification
  • Construction waste management strategies
  • Remediation design, supervision and validation
  • Materials management plans